
Adolescents and Pornography: Insights from 20 Years of Research and Help for Porn Addiction

In today's digital age, adolescents have unprecedented access to a vast array of online content, including pornography. The article "Adolescents and Pornography: A Review of 20 Years of Research" by Peter and Valkenburg (2016) offers a comprehensive analysis of the implications of this accessibility on young minds. This review, published in The Journal of Sex Research, synthesizes findings from two decades of studies, highlighting critical trends and outcomes that underscore the need for informed intervention and education. This study underscores the need to provide help for pornography addiction for both adolescents and adults.

Prevalence and Exposure

Peter and Valkenburg (2016) begin by addressing the prevalence of pornography consumption among adolescents. Their review reveals that a significant proportion of young people are exposed to pornography, often at a very young age. This early exposure is facilitated by the ubiquitous nature of the internet and the lack of effective parental controls and supervision. The research indicates that boys are more likely to encounter pornography than girls, with varying frequencies and types of content consumed.

Psychological and Behavioral Impacts

The review meticulously examines the psychological and behavioral impacts of pornography on adolescents. Peter and Valkenburg (2016) highlight that frequent consumption of pornography is associated with several adverse outcomes. For instance, there is evidence linking pornography use to unrealistic sexual beliefs and attitudes. Adolescents who regularly view pornography may develop distorted perceptions of sex, relationships, and body image, which can influence their sexual expectations and behaviors.

Furthermore, the authors note that pornography consumption can contribute to risky sexual behaviors. Adolescents exposed to explicit content are more likely to engage in early sexual activity and have multiple sexual partners. This behavior increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies, underscoring the critical need for comprehensive sex education that addresses the realities of pornography.

Emotional and Social Consequences

In addition to behavioral impacts, the review explores the emotional and social consequences of pornography use among adolescents. Peter and Valkenburg (2016) find that excessive pornography consumption is correlated with increased feelings of loneliness, depression, and social isolation. Adolescents may struggle with forming healthy relationships, as their expectations and understanding of intimacy are often skewed by the unrealistic portrayals seen in pornography.

Moreover, the review suggests that adolescents who consume pornography may face difficulties in academic performance and social interactions. The time spent on viewing explicit content can detract from productive activities, such as studying or participating in extracurricular pursuits, leading to a decline in overall well-being and success.

Implications for Intervention and Help for Porn Addiction

Peter and Valkenburg (2016) stress the importance of proactive intervention and education to mitigate the adverse effects of pornography on adolescents. They advocate for age-appropriate, comprehensive sex education programs that include discussions about pornography, its potential impacts, and healthy sexual development. These programs should equip young people with critical thinking skills to navigate the digital landscape responsibly and make informed choices about their consumption of online content.

The authors also highlight the role of parents, educators, and healthcare professionals in addressing this issue. Open communication and supportive environments are crucial in helping adolescents understand and cope with the challenges posed by exposure to pornography. By fostering a culture of openness and education, society can better support the healthy development of young individuals.


The review by Peter and Valkenburg (2016) provides a thorough and insightful analysis of the effects of pornography on adolescents over the past 20 years. Their findings emphasize the urgent need for informed intervention and comprehensive education to protect and support young people in an increasingly digital world. By addressing the realities of pornography and promoting healthy sexual development, we can help adolescents navigate the complexities of growing up in the digital age with confidence and resilience.

Family Strategies Counseling Center has actively serviced clients since 2000 with help for pornography addiction or sexually compulsive behavior. Our SABR program for adults, Tribe for college, and Band of Brothers for teens can help you! Give us a call (800) 614-8142 or visit our website for more information:


Peter, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2016). Adolescents and pornography: A review of 20 years of research. The Journal of Sex Research, 53(4–5), 509–531.

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