
Men Struggling with Sexual Addiction – How to Approach Your Wife Experiencing Intimate Betrayal

When a man discloses his struggle with sexual addiction, his wife may experience a deep sense of betrayal, often referred to as Intimate Betrayal. This can be an emotionally devastating experience, as it shatters the foundation of trust in the relationship. For men seeking to rebuild that trust, it’s important to approach their wives with sensitivity and awareness of the trauma they may be experiencing.

Here are a few strategies to help men navigate this delicate process and help their wives feel safe:

Acknowledge the Pain

One of the most important steps in approaching your wife after disclosing a sexual addiction is to acknowledge the depth of her pain. For her, this is not just a betrayal of your actions, but of the emotional connection you share. The addiction often leaves her feeling confused, insecure, and questioning her own worth. To create a safe space for healing, openly acknowledge her hurt, without becoming defensive or minimizing her emotions.

Dr. Kim Buck, a proponent of prodependence, encourages partners to remain connected during times of crisis rather than focusing on separation or detachment. Prodependence offers a perspective that encourages men to support their wives emotionally, instead of retreating out of shame. When you recognize her pain, it shows you value her feelings and are willing to be accountable for your actions.

Commit to Transparency

Transparency is key to rebuilding trust. If your wife feels like she is still in the dark or that more secrets might emerge, it will be incredibly hard for her to feel safe. As you work through your recovery, it’s essential to be as open as possible. This means providing clear and truthful answers when asked and being willing to disclose all aspects of your journey, including your participation in recovery programs such as the SABR Program.

Avoiding half-truths or leaving out details will only prolong the pain of betrayal. When your wife sees that you are committed to being open, it provides a foundation upon which to rebuild trust. Keep in mind that transparency does not mean overwhelming her with every detail of your addiction but sharing enough to reassure her of your honesty.

Be Patient with Her Healing Process

Your wife is likely going through her own trauma. The revelation of your addiction might trigger feelings of shock, anger, grief, or even post-traumatic stress. This means her healing journey will take time. It's crucial to allow her to move at her own pace, without rushing her toward forgiveness or trying to expedite reconciliation.

As a man in recovery, understand that you may feel ready to move forward sooner than she is. However, by patiently supporting her, you show her that her emotional well-being is a priority. The more time and patience you invest in her healing, the safer she will feel.

Seek Professional Help Together

Healing from the trauma of sexual addiction is not something either of you can handle alone. Working with a therapist who specializes in addiction and betrayal trauma can provide you both with essential tools. Counseling is particularly beneficial in helping you understand the impact of your addiction on your wife, while also providing her with a space to process her emotions in a safe environment. Programs such as Family Strategies’ SABR Program offer support for both the addicted partner and the spouse. Engaging in counseling together shows that you are willing to do the hard work to heal the relationship.

Focus on Emotional Intimacy

It’s important to rebuild emotional intimacy before attempting to reestablish physical intimacy. Your wife needs to know that she is valued beyond her physical presence. Emotional intimacy is built through small, consistent actions such as being attentive to her needs, engaging in meaningful conversations, and prioritizing quality time together. When your wife feels emotionally connected, she will be more likely to trust you again.

By nurturing emotional intimacy, you create a safe emotional environment, which can slowly begin to heal the wounds of betrayal.


Approaching your wife after disclosing a sexual addiction requires empathy, patience, and a commitment to healing both individually and as a couple. By acknowledging her pain, committing to transparency, and seeking professional support, you take significant steps toward restoring trust. Remember, healing is a process, but with time, effort, and the right resources, your relationship can emerge stronger.

Family Strategies Counseling Center has actively serviced clients since 2000 in treatment for pornography addiction or sexually compulsive behavior. Our SABR program for adults and Valor Groups for young men can help you! Give us a call at (800) 614-8142 or visit our website for more information: Family Strategies Counseling Center.


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