
Overcome the New Drug – Help for Porn Addiction

Pornography addiction is a pervasive issue affecting countless individuals globally, causing significant psychological and relational harm. Addressing this addiction requires a comprehensive understanding of its psychological underpinnings and the implementation of evidence-based recovery strategies.

Educational Strategies

Education plays a crucial role in combating porn addiction. By understanding the mechanisms of addiction, individuals can better recognize their patterns of behavior and the triggers that lead to compulsive consumption. According to Patrick Carnes, a pioneer in the study of sexual addiction, addiction is often rooted in deeper emotional and psychological issues, such as trauma, anxiety, and depression (Carnes, 2001). Educating individuals about these underlying causes can foster self-awareness and motivate them to seek help.

The SABR program (Sexual Addiction and Betrayal Recovery), developed by Family Strategies Counseling Center, emphasizes the importance of education in the recovery process. The program provides comprehensive resources that educate participants on the nature of addiction, its effects on the brain, and effective coping strategies. This knowledge empowers individuals to take proactive steps toward recovery by addressing both the symptoms and root causes of their addiction.

The Role of Therapeutic Intervention

Therapeutic intervention is vital in the journey to overcoming porn addiction. Therapy offers a safe space for individuals to explore their addiction, identify triggers, and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is particularly effective in treating porn addiction. It helps individuals challenge and change harmful thought patterns and behaviors associated with their addiction (Weiss, 2013).

In addition to traditional therapy, the SABR program incorporates group therapy sessions, providing a supportive community for individuals to share their experiences and struggles. Group therapy fosters a sense of accountability and reduces feelings of isolation, which are common among those battling addiction. According to Doug Weiss, group therapy can significantly enhance recovery outcomes by promoting mutual support and understanding among participants.


Overcoming porn addiction is a challenging but achievable goal. Through education and therapeutic intervention, individuals can gain the tools and support needed to break free from the cycle of addiction. The SABR program exemplifies a holistic approach to recovery, addressing both the psychological and social aspects of addiction. By integrating educational resources and therapeutic support, individuals can embark on a path to recovery with hope and resilience.

Family Strategies Counseling Center has actively serviced clients since 2000 with help for pornography addiction or sexually compulsive behavior. Our SABR program for adults, Tribe for college students, and Band of Brothers for teens can help you! Give us a call at (800) 614-8142 or visit our website for more information: Family Strategies Counseling Center.


Carnes, P. (2001). Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction. Hazelden Publishing.

Weiss, R. (2013). Sex Addiction 101: A Basic Guide to Healing from Sex, Porn, and Love Addiction. Health Communications, Inc.


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