
Positive Outcomes of Disclosure in Pornography Addiction

Disclosing a pornography addiction can be an intimidating and emotionally fraught process. Despite these challenges, evidence suggests that disclosure can lead to positive outcomes for both the addicted individual and their partner. As Schneider and Corley (2012) reveal, "of the partners 93% felt it had been the right thing to do. And a whopping 96% of the addicts felt disclosure was the right thing to do!" (p. 53). This article explores the positive outcomes of disclosure and highlights why, despite the inherent difficulties, it is often considered a crucial step in the journey toward healing and recovery.

The Courage to Disclose

The act of disclosing a pornography addiction is inherently courageous. It requires the individual to confront their behavior, acknowledge the harm caused, and risk the vulnerability of being honest with their partner. The process can be painful, often triggering intense emotions such as betrayal, anger, and sadness. However, these initial reactions are typically part of a broader healing process.

Schneider and Corley (2012) found that "despite all the pain and loss, enough good had to come out of the process for people to feel so strongly that it was the right thing to do and the majority said they would recommend disclosure to other couples" (p. 53-54). This strong endorsement underscores the potential benefits of disclosure, suggesting that the long-term gains outweigh the short-term discomfort.

Healing and Rebuilding Trust

One of the most significant positive outcomes of disclosure is the opportunity to rebuild trust. Trust is foundational in any relationship, and its breach can cause profound distress. Disclosure, while initially destabilizing, is a step toward rebuilding this essential element. By being honest about their addiction, the addicted partner takes responsibility for their actions, demonstrating a commitment to transparency and change.

The process of rebuilding trust involves open communication, mutual understanding, and patience. It allows both partners to express their feelings, set boundaries, and work together toward healing. This collaborative approach fosters a deeper, more resilient bond.

Enhanced Understanding and Empathy

Disclosure also promotes a greater understanding of the addiction. When the addicted partner shares their struggles, it can demystify the behavior for the non-addicted partner. This understanding can reduce feelings of personal inadequacy or blame, shifting the focus to the addiction itself rather than perceiving it as a personal affront.

Furthermore, the process can foster empathy. Recognizing the underlying issues that contribute to the addiction, such as stress, trauma, or emotional pain, can help the non-addicted partner respond with compassion. This empathy can facilitate a more supportive and constructive recovery environment.

The Role of Therapeutic Support

Therapeutic support is crucial in navigating the disclosure process. Programs like the SABR (Sexual Addiction and Betrayal Recovery) offered by Family Strategies Counseling Center provide a structured framework for couples. These programs emphasize education, communication, and mutual support, helping couples understand the dynamics of addiction and the steps necessary for recovery.

Therapists can guide couples through the emotional turmoil of disclosure, helping them to process their feelings and develop strategies for moving forward. This professional support can make a significant difference in the outcomes of the disclosure process, providing both partners with the tools they need to heal and grow.

Conclusion: Embracing the Journey Together

While the disclosure of a pornography addiction can be daunting, the potential benefits make it a worthwhile endeavor. The courage to be honest and the commitment to rebuild trust can lead to a stronger, more authentic relationship. As evidenced by Schneider and Corley (2012), the majority of individuals and their partners who go through this process believe it was the right decision and would recommend it to others.

With the right support and guidance, disclosure can be the first step toward healing, understanding, and a renewed sense of connection.

Family Strategies Counseling Center has actively serviced clients since 2000 in treatment for pornography addiction or sexually compulsive behavior. Our SABR program for adults and Valor Groups for young men can help you! Give us a call at (800) 614-8142 or visit our website for more information: Family Strategies Counseling Center.


Schneider, J., & Corley, D. (2012). Surviving Disclosure - A Partner’s Guide for Healing the Betrayal of Intimate Trust. CreateSpace.

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