
Sex Addiction Counselors and Assessment for the Signs of Sexual Addiction

Sexual addiction is a complex condition characterized by an inability to control sexual behaviors despite negative consequences. As individuals experience compulsive thoughts and actions, their personal, professional, and relational lives can spiral into disarray. Identifying the signs of sexual addiction is the first crucial step toward recovery. One of the most widely used tools for this purpose is the Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST), developed by Dr. Patrick Carnes, a pioneer in the field of sexual addiction research.

Signs of Sexual Addiction

Sexual addiction manifests through various behaviors and patterns that reflect an obsessive preoccupation with sexual activities. Common signs include an increasing amount of time spent on sexual pursuits, failed attempts to limit or control these behaviors, and continuing the behavior despite harmful effects on personal relationships, employment, or mental health. People struggling with sexual addiction often report feeling out of control, unable to resist urges that lead to compulsive actions such as excessive use of pornography, serial affairs, or engagement with sexual partners in risky situations.

The emotional toll is significant. Addicts frequently experience shame, guilt, and isolation. Their addiction may lead them to lie or hide their behavior, increasing feelings of secrecy and double life, which complicates their relationships and psychological well-being. These are all red flags that signal the possibility of an underlying sexual addiction disorder.

The Role of SAST in Diagnosis

The SAST serves as an essential diagnostic tool for identifying individuals at risk of sexual addiction. Developed by Dr. Patrick Carnes, this self-assessment consists of a series of questions designed to uncover patterns of behavior, thoughts, and emotions that correlate with sexual addiction. Sex Addiction Counselors often use the SAST during initial evaluations to gauge the severity of a client’s addiction. The test asks individuals to reflect on their past behaviors, the consequences of those actions, and whether those behaviors have become compulsive and uncontrollable.

One key feature of the SAST is its ability to differentiate between various levels of sexual behavior concerns. By evaluating factors such as the individual’s use of time, compulsivity, and the resulting emotional and social impacts, the SAST provides a nuanced picture of the individual’s sexual health. The scoring helps professionals not only identify addiction but also determine its severity, which informs the course of treatment.

Counselor Use and Scoring

Sex addiction counselors use the results of the SAST to determine how deeply ingrained the sexual addiction may be. The test’s scoring system allows therapists to categorize the addiction based on the level of risk indicated by the responses. Higher scores typically suggest a more severe addiction, highlighting the need for a structured, intensive treatment plan.

Counselors will often use SAST results alongside clinical interviews to form a comprehensive picture of the client’s condition. This enables the counselor to recommend appropriate interventions, from group therapy to inpatient treatment if necessary. By understanding the severity of the addiction through the SAST, counselors can tailor interventions that address the specific needs of the client, focusing on both behavioral change and emotional healing.


The SAST remains a vital tool in identifying sexual addiction and guiding treatment. By helping counselors assess the severity of the addiction, it provides a pathway for effective, personalized treatment plans. Recognizing the signs early, through tools like the SAST, can lead to successful outcomes in the journey to recovery.

Family Strategies Counseling Center has actively serviced clients since 2000 in treatment for pornography addiction or sexually compulsive behavior. Our SABR program for adults, and Valor Groups for young men can help you! Give us a call at (800) 614-8142 or visit our website for more information: Family Strategies Counseling Center.


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