Preparing for a full-disclosure session is a critical step for men recovering from sexual addiction. As Corley and Schneider (2012) emphasize, "Addicted people have difficulty managing their feelings..." (p. 11), which can make this process particularly challenging. Without adequate preparation, the disclosure session risks causing unintended harm or failing to foster the healing it is intended to provide. With the support of a skilled therapist, men can thoughtfully approach this process, ensuring it contributes to trust, reconciliation, and lasting recovery.
Completing and Reviewing a Disclosure Workbook
The foundation of a successful disclosure session begins with completing a comprehensive disclosure workbook, which includes a detailed sexual history. This step requires honest reflection on past behaviors, patterns, and motivations, helping the addict confront areas of shame, guilt, or denial. Reviewing the workbook with a therapist is essential to process these emotions in a safe environment. The goal is to prepare the addict to share their history in a clear, factual manner, omitting unnecessary details while ensuring all pertinent information is included.
Preparing a Disclosure Statement and Narrative Timeline
A key part of preparation involves creating a well-crafted disclosure statement. This statement, developed with therapeutic guidance, acknowledges harmful actions and takes full responsibility for their impact. It should include a comprehensive but appropriately detailed timeline of the sexual behaviors being disclosed. Avoiding graphic descriptions is crucial to prevent re-traumatizing the partner while maintaining transparency. By focusing on accountability rather than excuses, the addict lays the groundwork for rebuilding trust and demonstrating sincerity.
Developing an Accountability Statement
An accountability statement is another critical element of preparation. This document articulates the addict’s commitment to recovery and outlines specific steps they have taken or plan to take, such as participating in therapy, attending support groups, and implementing a relapse prevention plan. Sharing this statement during disclosure underscores the addict’s proactive efforts to change and provides the partner with a sense of hope for the future.
Creating a Self-Care and Accountability Plan
Before the disclosure session, the addict should also establish a robust self-care and accountability plan. This plan outlines their strategies for managing triggers, maintaining recovery commitments, and accessing support networks. Presenting this plan during the session demonstrates a commitment to ongoing growth and reassures the partner that steps are being taken to prevent relapse.
Considering a Polygraph as a Veracity Tool
For some couples, incorporating a polygraph can provide additional confidence in the truthfulness of the disclosure. If used, this tool should be carefully managed under the guidance of a therapist to ensure it supports the healing process. However, it is important to avoid sharing test details or results directly with the partner, as this may inadvertently create new anxieties or retraumatize them. The focus should remain on fostering safety and trust.
The Role of Emotional Regulation in Preparation
Corley and Schneider (2012) highlight that individuals struggling with addiction often face challenges in managing their emotions, which can make the disclosure process overwhelming. Thoughtful preparation provides the addict with tools to navigate these emotions constructively, ensuring that the session is as healing as possible for both parties. Guided by a therapist, the addict can learn strategies to stay grounded, empathetic, and present throughout the process.
Final Thoughts on Preparation for Full Disclosure
Preparing for a full-disclosure session goes beyond recounting actions—it is about demonstrating a commitment to honesty, accountability, and recovery. Thoughtful preparation, guided by a therapist, ensures that the session fosters healing and trust. By approaching disclosure with sincerity and readiness, men in recovery take a significant step toward reconciliation and lasting personal growth.
Family Strategies Counseling Center has actively serviced clients since 2000 in treatment for pornography addiction or sexually compulsive behavior. Our SABR program for adults, and Valor groups for young men can help you! Give us a call (800) 614-8142 or visit our website for more information: Family Strategies Counseling Center.
Corley, M. D., & Schneider, J. P. (2012). Disclosing secrets: An addict’s guide for when, to whom, and how much to reveal. Recovery Resource Press.